Cheat Sheet screen
screen licence GNU, command for terminal multiplexing
prompt>screen -S <name> # creates a screen and attach to it
prompt>screen -dmS <name> # creates screen but doesn't attach
in-screen>^a d # detach from screen
prompt>screen -r <name> # reattach screen name
prompt>screen -ls # list screens
prompt>screen -d <name> # detach an already attached screen
in-screen>exit # terminates screen session
in-screen>^a c # creates a terminal
in-screen>^a " # list terminals and choose one !
in-screen>^a S # splits terminal horizontally
in-screen>^a TAB # move to new splitted and ...
in-screen>^a c # .. creates another terminal
in-screen>^a K # kill terminal (kill last one => kill screen session)
in-screen>screen -x <name> # another user can share a scren
Cheat Sheet tmux
tmux licence BSD, modern command for terminal multiplexing
prompt>tmux new -s <nom-de-session>
prompt>tmux -a -t <nom-de-session> #attach to session
in-tmux>^b d #detach from session
prompt>tmux ls #liste des sessions
prompt>tmux attach -t nom-de-session #re-attach to session
prompt>tmux a -r -t nom-de-session #re-attach to session but in read-only !
prompt>tmux kill-server #kill server
prompt>tmux kill-session [-t name] #kill session [name]
prompt>tmux rename-sesion -t old-name new-name
in-tmux>^b ? #list of tmux commands
- Panes
in-tmux>^b % #split session horizontally in 2 panes
in-tmux>^b " #split session vertically in 2 panes
in-tmux>^b o #go to next pane
in-tumx>^b up, down, left, right #go to next pane
in-tmux>^b q #displays/identify panes w/ numbers
in-tmux>^b ; #goes to last used pane
in-tmux>^b m #marks the current pane
in-tmux>^d (or exit) #close current pane
- Windows
in-tmux>^b c #creates a new window
in-tmux>^b n #switch to next window
in-tmux>^b p #switch to previous window
in-tmux>^b & #close window current
maj 2024-01-10T16:49:31