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+Development resources (docs, tutorials, etc.)
- Visual debugger dfor GDB https://github.com/epasveer/seer
- GPS how it works tutorial https://ciechanow.ski/gps/
- Javascript modern tutorial https://javascript.info/object-methods#tasks?map
- Algorithm in C https://en.algorithmica.org/hpc
- Kirby CMS a simple CMS in PHP https://getkirby.com/
- Javascript tutorial https://javascript.info/
- Usenet Archive https://www.usenetarchives.com/
- Free Ebooks [unix, perl, python, html, css, ..] https://ebooks-it.org/
- Animated algoritms [graphs, trees, sorts, etc. ] https://www.chrislaux.com/
- XML and HML tools [parse, translate, index, ..] https://www.w3.org/Tools/HTML-XML-utils/
- Markov chains example in Bourne shell https://0x0f0f0f.github.io/posts/2019/11/really-fast-markov-chains-in-~20-lines-of-sh-grep-cut-and-awk/
- Prolog course, provblems and solutions https://sites.google.com/site/prologsite/prolog-course
- Parsing Expressions by Recursive Descent https://www.engr.mun.ca/~theo/Misc/exp_parsing.htm
- Prolog language tutorial http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/index.php
- Bloom filter by example https://llimllib.github.io/bloomfilter-tutorial/ (see also wikipedia)
- Sed tutorial https://catonmat.net/sed-one-liners-explained-part-one and https://catonmat.net/sed-one-liners-explained-part-two
- Sed tutorial http://sed.sourceforge.net/grabbag/tutorials/do_it_with_sed.txt
- Esoteric codes art and programming https://esoteric.codes/
- 99 bottles of beer in 1500 languages https://rosettacode.org/wiki/99_bottles_of_beer
- Lots of programming languages challenges and tips http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Rosetta_Code
- Grammaire de Van Wijngaarden https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Van_Wijngaarden_grammar
- Barrier KVM software to use with different OSs https://github.com/debauchee/barrier
- HPGL reference guide https://www.isoplotec.co.jp/HPGL/eHPGL.htm#-PR(Plot%20Relative)
- Online cheat sheets for all commands & languages cht.sh/
- Lots of cheat sheets https://www.serversaustralia.com.au/blog/ultimate-list-of-cheatsheets-for-a-sysadmin/
- Digital and analog Circuit simulator online http://lushprojects.com/circuitjs/circuitjs.html
- Digital Cicuit Simulator online https://circuitverse.org/simulator
- Digital Logic Simulator [nand, and, nor, resistors, etc.] https://makingartstudios.itch.io/dls
- And DLS online in WEBassembly http://dls.makingartstudios.com/sandbox/
- Lots of sources [C, Java, Python, Ruby, ..] algorithms, texts, data structures, graphs, .. https://github.com/karan/Projects-Solutions
- Les bizarreries du langage C https://zestedesavoir.com/articles/2505/les-bizarreries-du-langage-c-1/
- Respawn ou comment garder sur son serveur la copie d'une page Web https://github.com/broncowdd/respawn
- Interactive graph theory https://mrpandey.github.io/d3graphTheory/index.html
- Minimalist guide to SQLite http://tech.marksblogg.com/sqlite3-tutorial-and-guide.html
- Data structure visualization [sorting, queues, graphs, ..] http://www.cs.usfca.edu/~galles/visualization/Algorithms.html
- Computer science (Yale Edu)course: Data Structures and Programming Techniques (in C) Data Structures and Programming Techniques http://cs.yale.edu/homes/aspnes/classes/223/notes.html
- Le site du zéro [700 tutoriaux CSS Socket, security, et.] http://sdz.tdct.org/
- Red programming language [sucessor of Rebol] http://www.red-lang.org/
- Papers we love [lots of papers about programming] https://github.com/papers-we-love/papers-we-love
- Valgrind to verify memory problems/leaks on C sources http://www.valgrind.org/downloads/current.html
- Portail captif with Pfsense https://computerz.solutions/pfsense-portail-captif/
- Netdata provides charts and graphs of server activity http://my-netdata.io/#demosites
- data generator. Data in SQL, Excel, Perl, LDIF, CSV,.. http://www.generatedata.com/
- Credit card number generator http://www.getcreditcardnumbers.com/
- differents solutions to program the same thing in different languages [and Hailstone sequence] http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Rosetta_Code
- draw diagrams, charts, networks, etc. online https://www.draw.io/
- free programming books (some are not free) https://github.com/vhf/free-programming-books/blob/master/free-programming-books.md
- CAO electronic inline [printed circuit design, ..] https://easyeda.com/
- disassemblers
- LLM4Decompile decompile dissassemble core w/ IA https://github.com/albertan017/LLM4Decompile
- Assembler and disassembler course tutorial and pwn exercises https://guyinatuxedo.github.io/01-intro_assembly/assembly/index.html
- A GUI for Radare2 disassembler https://github.com/radareorg/cutter
- Disassembler, Radare, all platforms reverse engineering framework https://www.radare.org/r/
- Disassembler and Decompiler https://www.hex-rays.com/products/decompiler/index.shtml
- RCE: Reverse engineering tools library [disassemblers, debuggers, Linux, Windows, etc.] http://www.woodmann.com/collaborative/tools/index.php/Category:RCE_Tools
- disassembler, graphical for ELF, PE, http://www.emilpro.com/
- online disassembler (i386, Arm, ..) http://www2.onlinedisassembler.com/odaweb/ (see also: wikibooks)
- gdb tutorial [and example of buffer overflow] http://www.0x0ff.info/2016/buffer-overflow-gdb-bonus/
- git Tutorials
- A git tutorial with drawings https://github.com/ineat/refcards/blob/master/git/FR.md
- Another Git tutorial http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~blynn/gitmagic/intl/fr/index.html
- Git tutorial (vidéos en français) http://www.grafikart.fr/formations/git
- kukuruku site programming languages, algorithms, etc. http://kukuruku.co/
- Personal Cloud : owncloud (instable ?), seafile, .. cozy
- Encyclopedia of [software, science, politics, etc.] things considered harmful http://harmful.cat-v.org/
- Free Web analysis http://piwik.org/
- 10 articles que tout programmeur devrait lire http://javarevisited.blogspot.sg/2014/05/10-articles-every-programmer-must-read.html
- a GUI library in C multiarchitecture and multi platform http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/iup/
- materiel libre [ordinateurs, OS, nourriture, cf korben] http://wiki.korben.info/materiel_libre
- git pdf/ebook manual http://git-scm.com/book/fr/D%C3%A9marrage-rapide
- WEB based IDE and editor [needs PHP] http://codiad.com/?20130807
- PDF books and Oreilly books [computing languages in PDF] https://ebookpdf.com
- Oreilly books again [perl, git, html, ..] http://chimera.labs.oreilly.com/books/
- Anciennes old versions abandonware pour Windows https://vetusware.com/
- Anciennes old versions of HPUX, IRIX, AIX, BSD, Z80, etc https://fsck.technology/
- Anciennes old versions MSDOS and Windows https://msfosa.atnode.fr/
- Anciennes old versions d'applications http://www.oldversion.com/
- Anciennes old versions of skype http://skype.en.downloadastro.com/old_versions/
- NOSQL database UnQLite? and JX9 http://www.unqlite.org/
- license explained: GPL, FreeBSD? http://www.tldrlegal.com/browse
- Run Any App On Demand (virtual console to run app without install) http://www.spoon.net/
- CoucHDB?, MongoDB?, NOSQL, Pragmatic programming http://horicky.blogspot.fr/
- Informix online utilities http://www.advancedatatools.com/Articles/Onstat/IDS_utilities.pdf#search=%22informix%20online%22
- Github for windows [git client] http://windows.github.com/
- programming, administering, tips, tutorials http://www.thegeekstuff.com/
- Jame Hague programmer blog http://prog21.dadgum.com/index.html
- Computer languages benchmarks http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/u32/benchmark.php?test=all&lang=gcc
- All prog lang , multiple examples http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Main_Page
- inline programming blackboard http://codepad.org
- Tk tutorial for Perl, Ruby, Windows http://www.tkdocs.com/tutorial/intro.html
- Misc languages tips, wifi hotspot doc, etc. http://www.devshed.com/
- ISO images [FreeBSD, Linux, etc.] Oslo University http://ftp.uio.no/
- Bricolage CMS [Perl CMS] http://bricolagecms.org/
- PDF search engine http://www.pdf-search-engine.com/
- Unicode shapecatcher draw a shape and find unicode https://shapecatcher.com/
- Blank text generator [w/ Unicode Chars] http://blanktext.net
- Unicode Pile of Poop in html : 💩 or 💩
- Unicode & UTF-8 encodage a la main https://zestedesavoir.com/articles/4190/lencodage-utf-8-a-la-main/
- Unicode Utilities: confusables [interactive] https://util.unicode.org/UnicodeJsps/confusables.jsp?a=hackernews+&r=None
- Unicode tool de warrirordudimanche http://unicode.warriordudimanche.net/?search=cercle
- Unicode Bill Poser Software [UNICODE tools] http://freshmeat.net/projects/uniutils/
- Unicode A Programmer’s Introduction to http://reedbeta.com/blog/programmers-intro-to-unicode/
- Unicode character table http://unicode-table.com/en/
- Unicode support on FreeBSD? http://opal.com/jr/freebsd/unicode/
- Unicode and Unix/Linux? http://czyborra.com/
- Unicode and multilingual support tools and tables http://www.alanwood.net/unicode/#proponents
- MySQL5? utf8 et collation http://antoun.developpez.com/mysql5/jeux-collations/
- convertir un site en UTF8 http://www.kitpages.fr/php_tutorial_utf8.php
- Wiki Books [computer, science, etc.] http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Wikibooks:Computing_department
- convertir un site en UTF8 [Apache, PHP et MySql?] http://blog.neovov.com/index.php?2007/03/06/143-convertir-un-site-en-utf-8
- MODx Content Management System [groupware] http://modxcms.com/content-management-system.html
- Gimp Tutorial http://gimp-savvy.com/BOOK/ maj 2000
- Webster Assembly programming books http://webster.cs.ucr.edu/
- Docs XML francophone http://www.chez.com/xml/
- Geek tools http://whois.geektools.com/
- MathML? site http://www.w3.org/Math/
- SCSI mon amour http://www.byc.ch/scsi/ maj 2011
- Sun freeware http://www.sunfreeware.com/
- File Extensions database http://filext.com/
- FreeTDS? http://www.freetds.org/
- WebDAV? resources http://www.webdav.org/
- Developpez.com http://www.developpez.com/
- Programmers heaven http://www.programmersheaven.com/
- ISO images at ftp.fsn.hu ftp://ftp.fsn.hu/pub/CDROM-Images/
- Codeguru http://www.codeguru.com/
- GnuStep? http://www.gnustep.org/
- Goodie Domain Service source tools http://gd.tuwien.ac.at/
- Integrated PVM support http://www.netlib.org/utk/papers/comp-phy7/comp-phy7.html
+Development Tools, IDE, Editors, Compilers, hacks ..
- 8086 assembly emulator online https://yjdoc2.github.io/8086-emulator-web/
- Web Developer tools https://www.browserling.com/tools
- New command line tools [for Unixes, X=Windows ,Mac, ..] https://jvns.ca/blog/2022/04/12/a-list-of-new-ish--command-line-tools/
- Online Openscad scripting 3D modeling tool https://openscad.cloud/openscad/
- static/statique site photo galerie https://gitlab.com/paolobenve/myphotoshare
- ASCIInema video recording of ascii terminal sessions https://asciinema.org/about
- Hex editor [windows,Unix, ..] https://github.com/solemnwarning/rehex
- Free tools for delopment users https://freestuff.dev/
- Diffoscope online diff form many file formats [txt, pdf, sql, etc.] https://try.diffoscope.org/
- salae Logic analyzer [w/ aid of a PC] https://www.saleae.com/
- Backup software [windows, unix, ..] http://backuppc.sourceforge.net/info.html
- Kicad free PCB layout and routinghttps://kicad-pcb.org/
- Rawtherapee photoprocessing system [all platforms] https://rawtherapee.com/
- Photography workflow application & image processing [linux & windows] http://www.darktable.org/about/
- Bluefish editor [for HTML, C, etc.] http://bluefish.openoffice.nl/index.html
- Lightworks Video editing https://www.lwks.com/
- Natron Compositing Software ForVFX? and Motion [video] Graphics https://natrongithub.github.io/
- OpenSCAD? 3D modeling editor and many others for 3D printing https://www.openscad.org/index.html
- Bluegriffon HTML editor with WYSIWYG http://bluegriffon.org/
- Static site generators list https://jamstack.org/generators/
- Static/statique web site generator https://wooster.checkmy.ws/2014/01/generateurs-sites-statiques/
- Free software for selfhosting https://github.com/Kickball/awesome-selfhosted
- Pour les écoles, outils en ligne et sécurité vie privée https://v3.zaclys.com/zaclys-offre-lor-aux-ecoles-primaires-et-plus/
- Algebra calculator inline [derivative, integrals, plot, ..] http://mathstud.io/
- Algebra more calculator inline [derivative, integrals, plot, ..] https://www.wolframalpha.com/
- Multiple boot on USB ventoy [windows, Unix, etc..] https://github.com/ventoy/Ventoy
- Multiple boot on USB [linux, Windows, utilities, etc.] http://multibootusb.org/
- Multiple boot on USB creator to store multiple ISOs on USB drive https://www.pendrivelinux.com/yumi-multiboot-usb-creator/
- Multiple boot on USB http://www.easy2boot.com/
- The nim language https://nim-lang.org/
- Original QR code (graphic, w/ image) https://qrbtf.com/
- Creating a QR Code step by step on JavaScript? https://www.nayuki.io/page/creating-a-qr-code-step-by-step
- Dynamic Forth interpreter compiler in WebAssembly? https://el-tramo.be/blog/waforth/
- Web hosting [cheap, ssh, ..] https://www.a2hosting.com/web-hosting
- vi editor cheat sheet http://www.lagmonster.org/docs/vi2.html#formtop
- Minimal PDF file [how to write one] https://brendanzagaeski.appspot.com/0004.html
- blog d'un developpeur [Javascript, React, Data analysis, ..] http://blog.inovia-conseil.fr/
- List of freewares for selfhosting https://github.com/Kickball/awesome-selfhosted#file-sharing-and-synchronization
+Free courses, free Books
- Common Lisp Hyper Sspecs [dictionary of foncions symbols, etc.] https://clhs.lisp.se/
- Roots of Lips https://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/myl/llog/jmc.pdf
- Lisp cookbook [starting, files, socket, web, debug, etc.] https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook/
- gentle introduction to Lisp https://stevelosh.com/blog/2018/08/a-road-to-common-lisp/
- Janet a lightweight Lisp https://janet-lang.org/
- Practical Common Lisp [book tutorial] http://www.gigamonkeys.com/book/
- Lisp Lisp for microcontrollers [with examples] http://www.ulisp.com/
- Mezzano an OS in Lisp https://github.com/froggey/Mezzano/
- Racket language https://racket-lang.org/
- ressources Lisp [docs, books, tutorials, libraries, ..]https://www.cliki.net/
- A very primer Lisp tutorial http://cs.gmu.edu/~sean/lisp/LispTutorial.html
- Another Lisp [Common Lisp, SBCL] tutorial http://articulate-lisp.com/
- article : Les racines de Lisp http://www.paulgraham.com/rootsoflisp.html
+Outils de conversion/correction de PDF en doc/CSV, etc
- Conversion,filigrane, decoupage de pdf, https://digipdf.app/
- Conversion, fusion, edition de pef https://simplepdf.eu/fr
- CyberChef? Inline conversions [hashes, Bqse64, hex,compress, convert, extracts, ..] https://gchq.github.io/CyberChef/
- Pdf Password cracker https://github.com/mufeedvh/pdfrip
- onine convert ASCII to SVG https://ivanceras.github.io/svgbob-editor/
- online annotate draw on a pdf https://www.goodannotations.com/tools/draw-on-pdf
- Online from docx to pdf [> 100 formats to /from] http://www.zamzar.com/convert/docx-to-doc/
- Annotation de PDF en ligne [highlight, text strike out, ..] https://www.pdfescape.com
- Extraction de (tabular data) données tabulées dans un PDF http://tabula.technology/
+Python courses & books
+Ruby Rails
+SmallTalk? etc