Liens divers Computing maj
Dans chaque paragraphe, les liens les plus récents sont en début de liste.
+Achat Ordinateur, Hardware, CPU perf
- SSD flash techno.
Marque et modèle |
Type de mémoire |
Prix |
Prix par GB
Western Digital S240G1G0A 240GB |
$42 |
Silicon SP240GBSS3S56B25AZ 240GB |
$89.99 |
Samsung 970 PRO 512GB |
$167.99 |
Kingston KC1000 480GB |
$204.99 |
Intel DC S3520 480GB |
$320 |
Kingston KC400 512GBB |
$99.99 |
Intel 600P M.2 2280 512GB |
$100 |
Lexar NS100 480GB |
$85.99 |
Intel SSD 660p 542GB |
$89.99 |
Crucial P1 500GB |
$89.99 |
ADATA SU630 480GB |
$57.99 |
- Clavier et dalle écran pour portable https://topclavier.com/
- Comparatifs de prix best buy bonnes affaires
- https://fr.camelcamelcamel.com/
- Comparatif differents Amazon(s) https://www.hagglezon.com/
- Achat Hardware PC https://www.dealabs.com/
- Achat Hardware PC https://www.dubaro.de/
- Achat Hardware PC https://www.memorypc.de/
- Best HD, Best SD, Best CPU, best NoteBook?, etc. https://www.anandtech.com/tag/memory
- PC et PC portables sous Linux http://www.linux-shop.fr/
- Rue du commerce http://www.rueducommerce.fr/home/index.htm
- LDLC http://www.ldlc.fr/
- Gros Bill Micro http://www.grosbill.com/
- CDiscount http://www.cdiscount.com/
- Top Achat http://www.topachat.com/accueil/index.php
- Ordinateurs reconditionnés [Tour, Portable, Macbook, Smartphone] https://kiatoo.com/
- Voir aussi backmarket etc..
- BIOS beeping codes POST error codes https://technick.net/guides/hardware/beep_codes/
- Hard Drive failure Rate Statistics https://www.backblaze.com/blog/backblaze-hard-drive-stats-q1-2021/
- Tester une alim de PC. Tout débrancher (SATA, IDE, CM, etc..<
- Sur Connecteur 20-24 broches, ponter les broches 16 et 17 sur nu connecteur 24 brochez
- (ou 14 et 15 sur un connecteur 20 broches). Voir image ci-dessous, connecteur vue face.
- Mini routers, wifi Access points, etc. [w/ wrt] https://www.gl-inet.com/products/
- PCBway to get printed circuits boards https://www.pcbway.com/project/shareproject/
- EspoTek? Labrador cheap scope, generator, analyser [Hard and soft] https://espotek.com/labrador/
- CPU benchmarks [and video, RAM, etc..] https://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu_list.php
- modern microprocessors architecture http://www.lighterra.com/papers/modernmicroprocessors/
+Editing HTML & CSS
- Insérer une ancre avec du texte omme ceci avec cette syntaxe :
- CSS responsive without media query https://css-tricks.com/look-ma-no-media-queries-responsive-layouts-using-css-grid/
- CSS tutorial interactive https://www.joshwcomeau.com/css/interactive-guide-to-flexbox/
- CSS resources [generators, gradients, patterns, layout, etc] https://dev.to/lissy93/super-useful-css-resources-1ba3#backgrounds
- HTML & CSS reference from Mozilla https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/HTML
- CSS gradient generator interactive https://www.joshwcomeau.com/gradient-generator/
- CSS examples w/o JS https://github.com/you-dont-need/You-Dont-Need-JavaScript
- CSS sorted colors inline https://enes.in/sorted-colors/
- CSS effects [underline, buttons, loaders, ..] https://cssfx.dev/
- Conference CSS [filtres SVG, fontes variables, ..] https://blog.eleven-labs.com/fr/dotcss-2018-un-tres-grand-cru/
- Superb image in pure CSS http://diana-adrianne.com/purecss-francine/
- Bootsrap is a toll to biold responsive web apps. https://getbootstrap.com/
- Another page of CSS tricks https://css-tricks.com/lets-look-50-interesting-css-properties-values/#all
- CSS without Javascript https://github.com/you-dont-need/You-Dont-Need-Javascript
- Test du HTML5 sur mon navigateur browser/OS http://html5test.com/
- Thimble to create web pages online https://thimble.mozilla.org/fr/
- Mozilla developper demos [CSS, SVG, Canvas,..] https://developer.mozilla.org/fr/docs/Web/Demos_of_open_web_technologies#CSS
- Reference du DOM et exemples [chez Mozilla] https://developer.mozilla.org/fr/docs/Web/API/R%C3%A9f%C3%A9rence_du_DOM_Gecko#Pr.C3.A9face
- ISH a tool to test responsive web sites http://bradfrost.com/demo/ish/?url=http://wiki.cmic.be
- Yeoman + Cowboy = Saloon to develop Web Sites https://github.com/jeanparpaillon/generator-saloon
- blur image sides online [bordure floue] http://www.quickpicturetools.com/en/blur_edges/
- Editing tools: Zepto (pour remplacer jQuery), Mustache (templating en javascript), Pure librairie CSS).
- Hotsource HTML help http://www.sbrady.com/hotsource/faqs/alt-html-faq.html#11
- All HTML http://www.allhtml.com/
- Writing efficient CSS [CSS specificity]: https://titi.github.io/2014/09/writing-efficient-css/
- Macaw : un outil de design Web [a venir..] http://macaw.co/
Les tableaux sont assez chiants à présenter sur un petit écran :
les cellules étant en fait souvent bien trop petits pour en mettre 4 ou 5 côte à côte.
Voici une astuce CSS pour linéariser un tableau à une seule entrée :
table, tbody { display: block; }
tr { display: table; }
td { display: table-row; }
#### CGI push ###
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use CGI::Push qw(:standard :html3);
sub draw_time {
my $time = `/bin/date`;
return start_html('Tick Tock'),
h1('Virtual Clock'),
a({-href=>'index.html'},'More examples'),
- CSS applied to forms http://www.webcredible.co.uk/user-friendly-resources/css/css-forms.shtml
- CSS responsive design [media-query, CSS ] http://lehollandaisvolant.net/tuto/responsive-css/
- W3school CSS, HTML, HTML5, examples http://www.w3schools.com
- CSS3 box drop shadow generator http://css3-drop-shadows.herokuapp.com/
- HTML 5 features [prefetch, prerender, datalist, ..] http://daker.me/2013/05/5-html5-features-you-need-to-know.html
- Guides, scripts and tools [Web and mobiles] HTML 5, JavaScript?, PHP, Node.js http://www.scriptol.com/
- CSS 5 online generators [buttons, borders, icons] http://www.webpop.com/blog/2013/04/23/css-generators
- CSS responsive design [html sur smartphone & tablette] http://blog.soat.fr/2013/04/introduction-au-responsive-design-comment-rendre-son-site-responsive-sans-trop-defforts/
- d3.js library to visualize data https://github.com/mbostock/d3/wiki
- Presentation avec CSSS https://github.com/LeaVerou/CSSS
- Presentation avec impress.js http://bartaz.github.com/impress.js/
- Presentation avec reveal.js http://lab.hakim.se/reveal-js/#/
- Presentation en HTML5 avec htmlslides http://code.google.com/p/html5slides/
- CSS grid online generator https://cssgrid-generator.netlify.app/
- CSS flexbox online generator https://loading.io/flexbox
- CSS Flexible box tutorial with Mozilla https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/CSS/Using_CSS_flexible_boxes
- CSS flexbox demo http://demo.agektmr.com/flexbox/
- W3C flexible box http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-flexbox/
- CSS3 exemples/tutos and HTML5 http://thecodeplayer.com/
- CSS3 Can use CSS, HTML5, etc. functions in browsers ? http://caniuse.com/#
- CSS3 cross browser generator : tester en ligne http://css3please.com/
- HTML timing, SMIL
- Corriger les bugs de IE6 http://esprit-creatif.blog.mongenie.com/index.php?idblogp=406297
- CSS sprites to enhance html load time http://www.peachpit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=447210
- CSS, DOM, RSS, Position div, etc. http://openweb.eu.org/
- CSS Nice forms http://articles.sitepoint.com/article/style-web-forms-css
- Positionnement des balises HTML http://www.alsacreations.com/tuto/lire/530-La-structure-des-balises-bloc-et-en-ligne.html
- CSS to create pages http://tutorials.alsacreations.com/
- CSS Float tutorial http://css.maxdesign.com.au/floatutorial/
- OO JavasScript? library http://mootools.net
- CSS Lists http://css.maxdesign.com.au/listamatic/
- CSS et div pour la mise en page http://pbnaigeon.developpez.com/tutoriel/CSS-HTML/mise-en-page-CSS/
- CSS library Dynamic Drive http://www.dynamicdrive.com/style/csslibrary/item/css-image-drop-shadows
- CSS tutorial http://www.tizag.com/cssT/index.php
- http://css.maxdesign.com.au/selectutorial/index.htm
- http://www.cssplay.co.uk/menu/index.html
- http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-CSS2-19980512/
- http://www.mezzoblue.com/zengarden/resources/
+FreeBSD? OpenBSD?
+Graphic free tools & images
+Javascript & AJAX
+Misc, RAM, Firefox, Hard Disk
+SDRAM DDRn etc.
Voir aussi https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/DDR2_SDRAM et https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/DDR4_SDRAM
Les connecteurs DDR2, DDR3, DDR4 : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/DDR_SDRAM#/media/File:DDR_Memory_Comparison.svg
La mémoire ECC n'est pas toujours registered (R)/ buffered. Mais toutes les mémoires registered sont ECC
- ex: 10600U unregisterrd/unbuffered, non ECC. Usage desktop/laptop
- 10600E ECC , registered ? Usage serveur
- 10600R Registered et ECC Usage serveur
- DDR3 ou PC3 1,5v
- DDR3L ou PC3L 1,35v
- DDR3U ou PC3U 1,25v
Mémoires DDR1
Type |
Cadence |
Puce |
Bande Passante
PC-1600 |
100 Mhz |
DDR-200 |
1,6 Gio/s
PC-2100 |
133 Mhz |
DDR-266 |
2,133 Gio/s
PC-2400 |
150 Mhz |
DDR-300 |
2,4 Gio/s
PC-2700 |
166 Mhz |
DDR-333 |
2,667 Gio/s
PC-3200 |
200 Mhz |
DDR-400 |
3,2 Gio/s
PC-3500 |
217 Mhz |
DDR-433 |
3,5 Gio/s
PC-3700 |
233 Mhz |
DDR-466 |
3,7 Gio/s
PC-4000 |
250 Mhz |
DDR-500 |
4 Gio/s
PC-4200 |
266 Mhz |
DDR-533 |
4,2 Gio/s
PC-4300 |
269 Mhz |
DDR-538 |
4,3 Gio/s
PC-4400 |
275 Mhz |
DDR-550 |
4,4 Gio/s
PC-4800 |
300 Mhz |
DDR-600 |
4,8 Gio/s
Mémoires DDR2
Type |
Cadence |
Puce |
Bade Passante
PC2-3200 |
200 MHz |
DDR2-400 |
3,200 Gio/s
PC2-4200 |
266 MHz |
DDR2-533 |
4,267 Gio/s
PC2-5300 |
333 MHz |
DDR2-667 |
5,333 Gio/s
PC2-6400 |
400 MHz |
DDR2-800 |
6,400 Gio/s
PC2-8500 |
533 MHz |
DDR2-1066 |
8,533 Gio/s
PC2-9600 |
600 MHz |
DDR2-1200 |
9,6 Gio/s
Mémoire DDR3
Type |
Cadence |
Puce |
Bande passante
PC3-6400 |
400Mhz |
DDR3-800 |
6,4 Go/s
PC3-8500 |
533 MHz |
DDR3-1066 |
8,53 Go/s.
PC3-10600 |
667 MHz |
DDR3-1333 |
10,66 Go/s
PC3-12800 |
800 MHz |
DDR3-1600 |
12,8 Go/s.
PC3-14900 |
933 MHz |
DDR3-1866 |
14,9 Go/s
PC3-17000 |
1066 MHz |
DDR3-2133 |
17,0 Go/s.
PC3-18952 |
1466 MHz |
DDR3-2599 |
20,0 Go/s.
Mémoire DDR4
Type |
Cadence Bus |
Puce |
Bande passante
PC4-12800 |
800Mhz |
DDR4-1600 |
12,800 Go/s
PC4-14900 |
933 MHz |
DDR4-1866 |
14,933 Go/s.
PC4-17000 |
1066 MHz |
DDR4-2133 |
17,066 Go/s
PC4-19200 |
1200 MHz |
DDR4-2400 |
19,200 Go/s.
PC4-21333 |
1333 MHz |
DDR4-2666 |
21,333 Go/s
PC4-23466 |
1466 MHz |
DDR4-2933 |
23,466 Go/s.
PC4-25600 |
1600 MHz |
DDR4-3200 |
26,600 Go/s.
Mémoire DDR5
Type |
Cadence Bus |
Puce |
Bande passante
- Brendan Gregg home page perf, CPU analysis, flame graphs, tcplife, etc. http://www.brendangregg.com/index.html
- How to get scientific papers and avoid paywalls with sci-hub [eg: papers from ACM] http://sci-hub.cc/ or http://sci-hub.bz/ or http://sci-hub.ac/
- Moteur Proton; Pour l'activer:
- browser.proton.enabled à True
- browser.proton.tabs.enabled
- browser.proton.appmenu.enabled
- browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.newNewtabExperience?.enabled
- Sauver une page en 1 seule fichier html. Extension Firefox https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/firefox/addon/single-file/
- Mise en cache RAM des pages
browser.cache.disk.enable = false : Couper le cache disque.
browser.cache.memory.capacity = 512000 : Augmenter le cache mémoire à 512 Mo.
browser.cache.memory.max_entry_size = 50000 : Augmenter la taille maximal des objets gardés en cache (50 Mo au lieu de 5 Mo par défaut).
- DNS over HTTPS DoH? and TRR https://www.ghacks.net/2018/04/02/configure-dns-over-https-in-firefox/
- Forget me not module to delete tracking and cookies https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/forget_me_not/
- Download Firefox [ftp site, all releases] https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/
- about:config settings to harden the Firefox browser. Privacy and performance enhancements https://gist.github.com/0XDE57/fbd302cef7693e62c769
- Firefox Debugger in Firefox Developer Edition https://mozilladevelopers.github.io/playground/debugger/
- Firefox snapshop a whole page : Shift-F2, then type screenshot --fullpage capture.png
- Firefox plugin to click ads ad-nauseam https://adnauseam.io/
- Firefox use-after-free vulnerabilities http://www.vupen.com/blog/20120625.Advanced_Exploitation_of_Mozilla_Firefox_UaF_CVE-2012-0469.php
- aspirer un site avec Firefox scrapbook module
- to find who tracks you with fiddle (http analysis) http://www.telerik.com/download/fiddler
- install firefox uBlock Origin instead https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/firefox/addon/ublock-origin/
- Disable silent request when hovering a link about:config network.http.speculative-parallel-limit = 0
- other tips to diconnected Firefox auto connections https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/how-stop-firefox-making-automatic-connections
- tracking protection in about:config, select privacy.trackingprotection.enabled.
- Firefox et URLs malveillantes La version actuelle de Firefox vous protège déjà des URLs malveillantes en allant consulter les API de Google (oui, pas terrible pour la vie privée, hein ? Mais vous pouvez changer ça en altérant la valeur de browser.safebrowsing.enabled dans about:config). La version de Firefox qui sortira en septembre vous protègera contre les *fichiers* malveillants... encore une fois en allant questionner les API Google. Donc Google sera au courant de tous les exécutables non signés que vous allez télécharger ? Est-ce encore une bonne idée d'échanger de la vie privée contre de la sécurité ? (EDIT: la valeur de config semble déjà présente dans Firefox: browser.safebrowsing.malware.enabled)
- Firefox security and privacy configuration http://www.ghacks.net/overview-firefox-aboutconfig-security-privacy-preferences/
+Hard Disk
- How to test SMR vs CMR
- Linux: hdparm -l # si la mention "trim" apparait, le disque est SMR
- FreeBSD? diskinfo -c /dev/da6 # la ligne "No # TRIM/UNMAP support" indique que ce disque est CMR
- FreeBSD?: voir aussi autre outilss: ataidle, mdtest (test metadata), raidtest
- Hard disk recovery and test Photorec and testdisc https://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/PhotoRec
- Hard disk CMR and SMR [WD Seagate, Toshiba, HGST] https://www.nas-forum.com/forum/topic/68071-savoir-si-votre-disque-est-du-type-smr-ou-cmr/
- Hard disk CMR and SMR Seagate https://www.seagate.com/fr/fr/products/cmr-smr-list/
- Hard disk SMR and CMR list (WD Seagate Toshiba) https://nascompares.com/answer/list-of-wd-cmr-and-smr-hard-drives-hdd/
- Hard disk SMR list https://hardwaresfera.com/en/noticias/hardware/listado-disco-duro-smr/
- Hard disk Western Digital and HGST SMR CMR list https://hddscan.com/blog/2020/hdd-wd-smr.html
- Hard disk test for western digital HD https://support-en.wd.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/6226
- Hard disk test and tutorials https://hddscan.com/
- Hard disk test http://hddguru.com/software/2005.10.02-MHDD/
- Putty, unix tools, algorithms http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/
- Free and secure email providers [TutaNota?, Protonmail, ..] https://www.blog-libre.org/2016/12/16/messagerie-email-ethique-ou-comment-eviter-de-se-faire-braquer-sa-vie-privee/
- Google commands [intext: inurl: ..] http://www.webrankinfo.com/commandes/google
- your own grooveshark my music everywhere https://www.sonerezh.bzh/
- your own multimedia server mediagoblin http://www.mediagoblin.org/pages/tour.html
- Many sysadmin scripts, tricks, tips, etc. https://raymii.org/s/everything.html
- runme.org - say it with software art! http://runme.org/
- service manuels démontage portables hardware http://tim.id.au/laptops/
- MPLayer & MENcode transformation de formats video (Windows, Linux) http://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/news.html
- Admin Magazine [all OS] http://www.admin-magazine.com/
- Blog Philippe Pepiot [FreeBSD?, NonaoBSD?, GRE, WMFS, ..] http://philpep.org/blog
- Free Online Ghost to clone PCs http://www.fogproject.org/
- Solaris tips http://www.akadia.com/services/solaris_tips.html#DLT-TAPE%20UNIT%20INSTALLATION%20on%20Solaris%207/8/9
- Sparc Station 5 technology http://www.sunquebec.com/index.php?section=5&lang=fr
- Ultimate CD [hard disk tests] http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/
- RDF primer http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/#basicconcepts
+Misc Network
- A http server in C for a blog https://github.com/cozis/blogtech
- Lists of IP V4 by coutry https://github.com/herrbischoff/country-ip-blocks/tree/master/ipv4
- Reverse proxy software: nginx, Traefik, caddy
- Onion share to share files, forums, etc. thru Tor https://onionshare.org/
- Coding a TCP/IP stack on TUN/TAP device https://github.com/saminiir/level-ip
- Astuces htaccess https://lehollandaisvolant.net/?d=2021/05/04/22/18/42-quelques-astuces-htaccess
- Simple and light HTTP server in C https://unix4lyfe.org/darkhttpd/
- Remplacer la livebox Orange https://vincent.bernat.ch/fr/blog/2019-orange-livebox-linux
- Envoi de fichiers
- Wormhole [10GB chiffré de bout en bout]. https://wormhole.app/
- Croc [multiplatform, chiffré bout en bout] https://schollz.com/software/croc/
- Plik [https] https://plik.eric.ovh/#/
- Send de Firefox [chiffré de bout en bout] https://send.firefox.com/
- Framadrop [chiffré de bout en bout] framadrop.org
- Blog, tools, TCP captures, Cheat Sheets http://packetlife.net/
- Free book [html, PDF] about Computer Networking [ISO layers, Protocols, etc.] http://cnp3book.info.ucl.ac.be/
- TCPDump syntax helper https://tcpdump101.com/#
- comparaison test de boitiers CPL https://www.lesnumeriques.com/adaptateur-cpl/comparatif-adaptateurs-cpl-a296.html#filters/pricex=29&pricey=94
+Telephonie mobile, antennes, débits. Satellites
- Carte satellites animée https://celestrak.com/
Standard |
Génération |
Bande de fréquence |
Debit théorique - réel
2G |
Permet le transfert de voix ou |
de données numériques |
defaiblevolume. |
9,6Kb/s - 9,6 Kb/s
2.5G |
Permet le transfert de voix |
ou de données numériques de |
volume modéré. |
21,4-171,2 Kb/s - 48 Kb/s
2.75G |
Permet le transfert simultanés |
de voix et de données |
numériques. |
43,2-345,6 Kb/s - 171 kb/s
3G |
Permet le transfert simultanés |
de voix et de données |
numériques à haut débit. |
144 Kb/s à 2 Mb/s - 384 Kb/s
4G |
Données et voix |
150 Mb/s - 40Mb/s
LTE Advanced |
4G 4G+ |
Données et voix |
1 Gb/s à l'arrêt /100 Mb/s mouvement
4.5G |
"" |
3 Gb/s à l'arrêt
5G |
"" |
50 Gb/s à l'arrêt
- La carte des antennes des opérateurs http://www.antennesmobiles.fr/
- Les fréquences et les bandes https://www.justegeek.fr/comprendre-bandes-de-frequences-mobiles-4g-france/
- List of devices bandwidth [LAN, WAN, Telephony, RAM, PC Buses..] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_device_bandwidths
VLAN tips
- un switch a pour but de séparer les domaines de collision
- un vlan a pour but de séparer les domaines de broadcast
TP VLAN tagged untagged, etc. http://etudiant.univ-mlv.fr/~flebleve/cours/ethernet/TP_ethernet_2.html, ce qui engage la discussion suivante [Dans VLAN fr.comp.reseaux.ethernet]. Ou l'on parle des tags ajoutées/enlevés par un routeur sur des trames VLANs.
Autre forum, autre discussion :
websling...@yahoo.com wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have created two VLANs succeffully.
> My aim is for them to share a common port, to which the internet router
> is plugged into.
> That way, although users in seperate VLANs cannot communicate with each
> other, they can route traffic to the internet via the same default
> gateway.
> In VLAN A, a DHCP Server exists. In VLAN B, only three machines exist.
> I have given machines in VLAN B static IP Addresses in the same subnet
> as in VLAN A (outside the scope of the DHCP) so that they can use the
> same default gateway address.
> I have tried to set the port status on one and then both VLANs to
> tagged, however as soon as I do this, I can't ping the router or the
> internet from either.
> Am I doing something wrong?
- In most routers you cannot have the same subnet address configured on multiple VLANs. I would be very surprised if your default gateway allows you to do something like that. With your current configuration, it appears that traffic coming back from the router will always be classified as being on only one VLAN, either because you have tagging on and router will put on the tag, or you don't have tagging and the incoming port on the switch always classifies the frame as being on the PVID. The simplest way to fix this would be to have 2 subnets (i.e. different interface addresses) for VLAN A and VLAN B on the router, assuming it does VLANs. If it doesn't do VLANs, then you will need to have 2 separate ports on the router, one in VLAN A and one in VLAN B, each configured with the default gateway address to be used for that VLAN. And you would then need to find a way to prevent routing between those VLANs if you don't want the hosts in VLAN A to communicate with the hosts in LANB even via routing.
- Perl program to list VLANS http://forums.opsyx.com/viewtopic.php?p=10033&
- HP Static VLAN 2800 2600 series ftp://ftp.hp.com/pub/networking/software/AdvTraff-Oct2005-59908853-Chap02-VLAN.pdf
- Linux 802.1q defining a common router http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/7268
- Linux 802.1d idem ci-dessus http://www.linux-france.org/prj/inetdoc/cours/routage.inter-vlan/routage.inter-vlan.typical.html
- Linux and 802.1q VLAN http://linux-ip.net/html/ether-vlan.html
- VLANs o Linux http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/7268 intro to VLAN and VLAN Trunking, virtual interface config, firewall config,
- 2 parts VLAN Tutorial [Part 1] and [Part 2]. This articles explains the path followed by tagged and untagged data frames in a mutiswitch VLAN environment.
- Note: Data frames that are tagged with VID 0 are known as priority-tagged data frames
- PVID and Data Flows: In a VBridge, every data frame received on a port is associated with a unique VLAN to enable further processing and forwarding. In case of tagged data frames, the associated VLAN is determined from the VLAN tag. In the case of untagged data frames, the associated VLAN equals the permanent VLAN identifier (PVID) associated with the received port.
- GMRP Garp Multicast Registration Protocol
- GVRP Garp VLAN Registration Protocol. GVRP enables VLAN bridges to dynamically learn their VLAN memberships.
- GARP Generic Attribute Registration Protocol
- Data frame's associated VID is either based on the tag or based the port's PVID.
- PPV Port and Protocol based VLAN
- PPV classification can only be applied to untagged data frames or to priority tagged frames after the removal of the priority tag.
- VPLS Virtual Private Lan Services
- GARP messages are sent to special multicast MAC addresses: GMRP 01:80:c2:00:00:20 and GVRP 01:80:c2:00:00:21
2007-02-05 22:56:17 --Cmic
- NetworkMiner? a network analysis tool http://www.netresec.com/?page=NetworkMiner
- Get all IP range(s) for an AS number or a TCP/IP number :
- Get the AS number of a host
#whois -h whois.radb.net
descr: Smile 1 Route
origin: AS197455
mnt-by: IELO-MNT
mnt-by: MNT-SMILE
changed: unread@ripe.net 20000101
source: RIPE
remarks: ****************************
remarks: * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal
remarks: * data has been removed from this object.
remarks: * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at:
remarks: * http://www.ripe.net/whois
remarks: ****************************
- And then get all IP ranges for AS197455
#whois -h whois.radb.net '\!gAS197455'
- Real-time BGP modifs betweens AS nombers https://bgplay.massimocandela.com/?resource=+
NB : 4B/5B augmente la fréquence (125Mhz pour 100Mb/s) mais
compensation avec MLT-3
categories de cable |
bande passante |
encodage |
fréquence résultante |
débit maximum
cat 5 |
100Mhz |
codage 4B/5B puis MLT-3 |
31,25MHZ |
max 1Gb/s sur 100m
cat 5e |
155Mhz |
codage 4B/5B puis MLT-3 |
31,25MHZ |
max 1Gb/s sur 100m
cat 6 |
250Mhz |
codage 8B/10B puis PAM-5 |
125Mhz |
max 1Gb/s sur 100m
cat 6a |
500Mhz |
codage 8B/10B puis PAM-5 |
125Mhz |
max 10Gb/s sur 100m
cat 7 |
600Mhz |
- See also List of devices bit rates [net, telephony, RAM, PC Buses, ..] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_device_bit_rates
- VPN payannt mais fiable [5 euros/mois dixit SebSauvage?] https://mullvad.net/fr/
- VPN perso vite fait avec OpenVPN? [Korben] https://korben.info/installer-openvpn.html
- VPN gratuit, communautaire, open source https://vpnsox.org/
- VPN payants mais libres 2015-10-19 19:46:51
- https://cryptostorm.is/
- https://ipredator.se/
- https://mullvad.net/en/
- https://vpn.ht/fr
- install OpenVPN? server and client tuto https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-an-openvpn-server-on-ubuntu-16-04
- install Debian OpenVPN? http://memo-linux.com/comment-installer-openvpn-sur-debianubuntu-serveur/
- VPN associatif a 2 euros/mois http://vpn.ccrypto.org/
- Another OpenVPN? install http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2013/09/openvpn-setup/
- VPN OpenVPN? sous Linux et client Win & Linux http://blog.nicolargo.com/2010/10/installation-dun-serveur-openvpn-sous-debianubuntu.html
- HTTP HTTPS proxy for traffic recording/debugging http://fiddler2.com/features
- Statistiques frequentation site web google analytics http://www.mustat.com/fr/
- cables sous-marins [update 2018] http://submarine-cable-map-2018.telegeography.com/
- cables sous-marins greg map http://www.cablemap.info/
- Logiciels Télémaintenance gratuits
- DW service (cf sebsauvage) https://www.dwservice.net/
- TeamViewer? http://www.teamviewer.com/fr/index.aspx
- join.me https://join.me/
- Ammyy http://www.ammyy.com/en/solutions.html#r_office
- Mikogo [Web conferencing, on line demo, remote support] http://www.mikogo.com/
- SIP protocol internals and examples http://www.tech-invite.com/Ti-sip-ex3261.html
- Zero conf address 169.254/16 [RFC 3927] http://www.zeroconf.org/rfc3927.txt
- EBtables and bridging http://ebtables.sourceforge.net/
- MSS MTU and all that at Cisco's http://www.cisco.com/en/US/tech/tk827/tk369/technologies_white_paper09186a00800d6979.shtml
- SSH over/thru http proxy http://daniel.haxx.se/docs/sshproxy.html
- TCP Trace tool http://tcptrace.org
- SSH forwarding thru a proxy http://www.sun.com/bigadmin/content/submitted/ssh_port_fwd.jsp
- VLANs document http://www.reseaucerta.org/docs/didactique/VLAN.pdf
- Apache 2 and WEB DAVhttp://www.twilight-systems.com/flacco/mozcal/mozcal-webdav-apache2-rh9.html
- Redundancy with CARP and PFSYNC http://www.openbsd.org/faq/pf/carp.html
- VRRP, UCARP, Heartbeat comparisons http://www.traceroot.fr/vrrpd.php
- Exposes Nouvelles Technologies Réseau [ADSL, Firewall, IDS, LDAP, SAN, Technique Intrusion, ..] http://igm.univ-mlv.fr/~duris/NTREZO/index.html
- Apache Tomcat Connector (mod_jk) http://tomcat.apache.org/connectors-doc/webserver_howto/apache.html
- TCP/IP and IMS sequence diagrams http://www.eventhelix.com/RealtimeMantra/Networking/
- SSH forward tips http://souptonuts.sourceforge.net/sshtips.htm
- SSH port forwarding http://www.securityfocus.com/infocus/1816
- Article "Les VLAN" http://www.reseaucerta.org/docs/didactique/VLAN.pdf
- Path MTU dicovery and others http://www.kitchenlab.org/www/bmah/Software/pchar/ Orginal by V.Jacobson ftp://ftp.ee.lbl.gov/pathchar/
- X server in browser thru Java http://www.wiredx.net/index.php
- Socket Server [socket 5] http://digilander.libero.it/matteo.ricchetti/SS5_Description.html
- Network tutorials [in french ADSL, Iptables, NAT, tunneling, ..] http://irp.nain-t.net/doku.php
- Tout sur les trames IP , outils analyse http://www.frameip.com/
- Stokely computing [Unix tools] http://www.stokely.com/
- RRD tool http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool/
- Cricket, bar/pie chart display http://cricket.sourceforge.net/
- TCPtune [win9x only] http://moat.nlanr.net/Software/TCPtune/
- PSGML [GNU Emacs for SGML] http://www.lysator.liu.se/projects/about_psgml.html
- ACM http://www.acm.org/
- The SPEC site http://www.specbench.org/
- Netperf http://www.netperf.org/
- Arkeia http://support.arkeia.com
- Midgard [Web content management] http://www.midgard-project.org/
- Intel Infiniband Architecture http://www.intel.com/technology/infiniband/whatis.htm
- Dun Bigadmin portal http://www.sun.com/bigadmin/
- ethr network measuring tool https://github.com/microsoft/ethr
- sockperf [better than iperf] network testing http://code.google.com/p/sockperf/
- Iperf network measuring tool https://iperf.fr/
- Real VNC http://www.realvnc.com/
- Charles Spurgeon Ethernet site http://www.ethermanage.com/ethernet/ethernet.html
- Wireshark capture examples and pcap site https://weberblog.net/
- Wireshark tutorial http://www.wiresharktraining.com/
- Unix terminal server client http://www.gnomepro.com/tsclient/
- Rich Sifert about VLAN [news article] :http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&threadm=6586b36c.0109251401.7a49e2c5%40posting.google.com&prev=/groups%3Fq%3Dcomp.dcom.lans.ethernet%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26meta%3Dsite%253Dgroups Article]
- The Proxomitron web filtering proxy http://www.proxomitron.info/
- OpenBrick? embedded linux framework http://www.openbricks.org/
- Share kbd and mouse w/TCP/IP http://synergy2.sourceforge.net/index.html
- UDP cast http://udpcast.linux.lu/
- Ikarios http://ikarios.com/
- A 1GB Cross-over cable http://logout.sh/computers/net/gigabit/
+Other OSs
+Perl and Perl 6
+Raspberry Arduino Odroid Hacking Hardware
- Une version allegee de Debian pour RaspBerry? https://dietpi.com/
- Lecture d'un compteur Linky https://wiki.abyssproject.net/fr/debian/linky/monitoring-linky-grafana
- et aussi https://sebastienreuiller.fr/blog/monitorer-son-compteur-linky-avec-grafana-cest-possible-et-ca-tourne-sur-un-raspberry-pi/
- Shinobi video webcam camera surveillance software https://korben.info/shinobi-cctv-video-surveillance.html
- Video webcam streaming https://yavin4.ovh/index.php/2020/04/18/raspberry-pi-systeme-de-videosurveillance-avance-avec-ustreamer-et-motion/
- Raspberry pico examples https://www.framboise314.fr/raspberry-pi-pico-la-carte-microcontroleur-de-la-fondation/
- Raspberry pico https://www.raspberrypi.org/products/raspberry-pi-pico/
- Raspberry 400 whole Raspberry 4 computer w/ keyboard https://www.raspberrypi.org/products/raspberry-pi-400/?resellerType=home
Cheap Oscilloszcope DSO138 (seeLaiexpress ?)
- Raspberry Raid 1 w/ Dual/Quad? SATA HAT extension http://white.h4t.eu/nas-maison--raspberry-pi-4--quad-sata-hat.html
- Connecter Raspberry via le port série https://raspberry-pi.fr/connecter-raspberr-pi-port-serie/
- Rasperry & Arduino components & modules on Aliexpress
- I2C and SPI monitor modules to debug https://i2cdriver.com/ https://spidriver.com/
- MODEP sound effects for Raspberry Pi https://blokas.io/modep/
- Reconnaissance d'objet aavec OpenCV? et Raspberry https://www.framboise314.fr/i-a-realisez-un-systeme-de-reconnaissance-dobjets-avec-raspberry-pi/
- Teensy boards (really small) https://www.pjrc.com/store/
- 2018-11-16 14:18:58 Arduino & Raspberry & Soldering irons & Mini oscilloscope https://www.sainsmart.com
- Single Board Computer Database [Raspberry, Arduino, Banana, ...] https://www.board-db.org/
- Exen mini (15x15x4 mmm)Arduino compatible https://nerdonic.com/products/exen/mini
- Alim secourue pour Raspberry pi https://www.framboise314.fr/alimentation-sans-coupure-pour-raspberry-pi/
- Testing 21 cheap microcontrollers https://jaycarlson.net/microcontrollers/#1508116139102-c4613248-e204
- Video surveillance & alerte e-mail https://www.inzecloud.net/index.php/2014/11/30/raspberry-pi-camera-de-video-surveillance-recevoir-des-alertes-mails/
- Nano Pi Neo PLus 2 http://www.minimachines.net/actu/nanopi-neo-plus2-52485
- Créer un hotspot WiFi? sur Raspberry https://code4pi.fr/2017/05/creer-hotspot-wifi-raspberry/
- Creer un serveer OpenVPN? avec Raspberry https://korben.info/pivpn-transformer-raspberry-pi-serveur-openvpn.html
- boutique fournitures arduino, rapsberry, etc. http://boutique.semageek.com/fr/
- Piratebox et autres hacks http://blog.uggy.org/?category/PirateBox-Widrop
- Hacking Arduino, consoles, CPU, etc. http://hackaday.com/
- Hacking soft, hard furrtek.free.fr/
- Raspberry OS on a x86 PC [very light OS] http://downloads.raspberrypi.org/pixel_x86/
- Pi-top Ceed raspberry based PC with screen https://www.pi-top.com/product/ceed
- une carte pour raspberry avec plein de capteurs http://rabbitmax.com/#about
- Berryboot to install OS on a HD http://www.berryterminal.com/doku.php/berryboot
- FreeBSD? on Raspberry https://www.abyssproject.net/2016/09/installation-de-freebsd-raspberry-raspbsd/
- Omega component w/ Linux and WiFi? on a stamp chhttps://onion.io/
- Odroid boards http://www.hardkernel.com/main/main.php 2 distributors : http://www.selectronic.fr/ and http://www.eu.diigiit.com/
- make a handheld Linux terminal/computer with a Raspberry 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMkhRK2lV0E
- PIC32-RetroBSD? board and OS https://www.olimex.com/Products/Duino/PIC32/PIC32-RETROBSD/open-source-hardware
- Arduino & Raspberry kits/applications DIY ww.ladyada.net/
- gEDA Electronic Design Automation http://www.geda.seul.org/
- A useless Box in Arduino http://www.lamja.com/?p=451
- great hacking site [hard or soft] http://canthack.org/
- Fubarino dc development board [cf arduino] http://www.microchip.com/stellent/idcplg?IdcService=SS_GET_PAGE&nodeId=1406&dDocName=en566210&utm_source=Hack+A+Day&utm_medium=336x280+Ad2&utm_term=Display+Ad&utm_content=Dev+Tools&utm_campaign=Fubarino
- Electronics soldering SMC, arduino & rapsberry harware & software https://www.sparkfun.com/
- Airboard : micro Arduino compatible https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/223628811/the-airboard-sketch-internet-of-things-fast?ref=discovery 2015-01-22 14:01:06
- hardware for Raspberry & Arduino & Tutorials http://www.adafruit.com/
- Home video alarm system with Raspberry https://medium.com/p/2d5a2d61da3d
- FreeBSD? developer's notebook, FreeBSD? on Raspberry http://kernelnomicon.org/
+Security and Hacks
+SMTP and IMAP and headers
+Synchronisation de dossiers
- Syncthing multiplateformes : Linux, FreeBSD?, Mac, Windows https://docs.syncthing.net/intro/index.html
+Unix Linux
+Video conf & Chat
- WebRTC? w/ Bananas Screen Sharing https://getbananas.net/
- Teamviewver like free video conferencing https://rustdesk.com/
- WebRTC? avec jitsi https://jitsi.org/
- Et aussi Framatalk https://framatalk.org/accueil/fr/
- WebRTC? Video Chat and conferencing w/o inscription/install https://vroom.im/
- Ring chat/voip/visio and privacy https://ring.cx/en/documentation/about-ring
- WebRTC? visio conf for firefox https://appear.in/
- WebRTC? site [docs, examples, ..] http://www.webrtc.org/
- WebRTC? Chat https://vline.com/
- WebRTC? talky, visio conf for firefox http://descary.com/talky-systeme-visioconference-partage-decran-anonyme/
- Sharing terminals with Nutty [based] https://nutty.io/
+Wifi speed & hotspots
+Wifi speeds
Standard |
Theoretical |
Band |
Actual |
New name
802.11b |
11 Mbps |
2.4 Ghz |
5.5 Mbps |
wifi 2
802.11a |
54 Mbps |
5 Ghz |
20 Mbps |
wifi 1
802.11g |
54 Mbps |
2.4 Ghz |
20 Mbps |
wifi 3
802.11n |
288 Mbps |
2.4 Ghz |
100 Mbps |
wifi 4
802.11n |
600 Mbps |
5 Ghz |
100 Mbps |
wifi 4
802.11ac |
1,300 Mbps |
5 Ghz |
200 Mbps |
wifi 5
802.11ax |
1.1 Gbs |
2.4 Ghz |
?? |
wifi 6
802.11ax |
4,8 Gbs |
5 Ghz |
?? |
wifi 6
- wifi SSID locations on whole earth wigle.net https://wigle.net
- bascule switch wifi ethernet http://www.wirelessautoswitch.com/Home.aspx
- Antenne Wifi ricore http://www.funinformatique.com/comment-fabriquer-une-antenne-wifi-et-ameliorer-la-puissance-de-signal/
- Wireless Linux Compatibility chart http://www.hpl.hp.com/personal/Jean_Tourrilhes/Linux/Wireless.html
- Linux and Wireless LAN http://www.hpl.hp.com/personal/Jean_Tourrilhes/Linux/
- Interfaces WiFi? compatibles Linux http://linux-wless.passys.nl/
- Connecting a WRT54GL as an 802.1x client http://blog.jozjan.net/search?q=802.1x
- OpenWRT Firmware http://openwrt.org/
- ChilliSpot hotspot for Linux http://www.chillispot.info/
- Complete hotspot solution http://www.hotspotsystem.com/
- Wifi Dog hotspot solution http://dev.wifidog.org/wiki/About